Though, really not such a problem in his case. Ahem. But I'm back and I'm raring to go with a new muffin recipe. Now, I have to test it once more (damn) to make sure it works and get the opinion of my sister and nieces. I don't want to give you recipes that haven't been thoroughly thought through. Ooh look at that for alliteration, nice. So coming soon: Raisiny Spicey Muffin Cake Things
I'll probably reconsider that name...
How about Raisin The Roof Muffins?
Please can you put the Baklava Muffins up here too.
Oh no, here I go again, I'm salivating at the thought of them!
Although I already was at the sight of that bloke from Spooks who's dishy, to use an appropriately culinary phrase.
Ooo, yes please to the baclava muffin recipe!! Not an easy one for a pun! Bac-lovin' muffins is the best I can do and that sounds faintly naughty....
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