I'm hoping, once he gets my nice letter and the extra special yummy chocolate brownies (no, not special like that, that is just wrong) that the Pope is going to say yes to my suggestion of beatifying Nigella. I'm not asking for sainthood for her, just a constant halo about her at all times to remind everyone that she is, in fact too marvelous for us mere mortals and should be treated as such. With this in mind, His Holiness will surely say something along the lines of 'Yes, well I've always liked that Mairi, and she does have nice collection of rosaries and a Handsome Catholic Husband, go on then, give Nigella a halo. In fact she can have Delia's, she's just taking the pi...' And then he would walk about getting crumbs down his vestments and groaning over the extra special yummy chocolate brownies in a distinctly un-Papal way. Saint Peter would look on scornfully, and those fellas in the stripey suits would have dares to try and steal one of the extra special yummy chocolate brownies from the Popes cake tin under his Papal throne. Where he also keeps a Thermos of tea.
So without further ado, Pea and Pesto Soup. This is so stupidly simple that you'll wonder what the hell happened to your brain that stopped you from coming up with it.
750ml freshly boiled water
375g frozen peas or petit pois
1 sping onion
0.5tsp lime juice
4 tsp fresh pesto (from a tub, not a jar)
So without further ado, Pea and Pesto Soup. This is so stupidly simple that you'll wonder what the hell happened to your brain that stopped you from coming up with it.
750ml freshly boiled water
375g frozen peas or petit pois
1 sping onion
0.5tsp lime juice
4 tsp fresh pesto (from a tub, not a jar)
Bring the water to the boil on the hob and add the salt. Once it is boiling add the peas and cook for about 6 or 7 minutes with the spring onion and lime juice.
Once the peas are cooked, remove the spring onion and add the pesto, then liquidise. I have a handheld blender, but otherwise put everything in a liquidiser and blend until smooth.
Done, finito, fini, fertig. Eat it and be merry.
Once the peas are cooked, remove the spring onion and add the pesto, then liquidise. I have a handheld blender, but otherwise put everything in a liquidiser and blend until smooth.
Done, finito, fini, fertig. Eat it and be merry.
1 comment:
You loon.
You're right about the pea and pesto soup - it's really weird how pesto is such a strong flavour and yet in this soup it is just like a darn good stock! It's like pea and ham actually isn't it - delish.
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